Kamis, 24 November 2011

Hippie Clothes

Many people might remember the 60s to 70s era as the hippie era. The hippie culture was the most dominant culture during these times. The hippie clothes and the hippie lifestyle was the most popular culture and everybody wanted to belong to this group. The "hipster" term in London refers to the cool people and it is actually based on the word hippie. Many would say that the clothes of the hippie would be the catchiest part of the whole hippie culture. But most people cannot remember the whole essence of the hippie culture.
Hippie culture actually started as a movement that was pro-nature and anti-war. They were started by people that could not tolerate violence around them. They love the nature and they incorporate them in their clothes. They use clothes that have lots of colors and the uses cotton and hemp as the cloth for their clothes. It is during these times that unkempt sexiness was popular. They spread the message of love and peace.
Girls would wear colorful loose sexy spaghetti strap tops and pair with bell bottoms and leather sandals. Their hair is kept straight and uncombed. Native accessories were also popular these days and scarves and bandanas were used as headbands and flowers too. More popular clothing items from the hippie culture were the baja hoodies, the tie dye shirts, and leather vests.
Nowadays, maxi dress, rompers, and other dresses that are hippie inspired are back on trend, making it popular again.
Though the hippie clothes are popular and are going back on trend and are loved by most, the people who really live the ideas and thoughts of the hippie culture are not as much loved. They are criticized by many. Despite this, they still continue to spread the message and ideals of the culture.

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